How many of us argue for the sake of arguing? I do it a lot. I don’t know. I just like the concept of knowing more than there is to know. Does that make sense? It’s not like I have fun annoying other people. Although maybe I do. We all do, right? I was having a chat with a friend the other day and he sort of mentioned that he hates arguing with people who think they’re right and aren’t willing to listen to a different viewpoint whatsoever. He feels, apparently, that if you know you’re right, you’ve got to have the facts to back up the fact that you know you’re right. Facts. Plural. Arguing over something when you’ve only one single solitary piece to stand up for you doesn’t count. Cut the crap. Move on. Tell me. Convince me that you’re right. And then maybe I’ll believe you. Or maybe I’ll come up with a stronger argument to support my case. At the very least, I’ll annoy you merely by disagreeing with the fact that you’re right. Wow. That was a lot of you’re right. Actually, the con...