
Showing posts from September, 2008


Wow!!!! I just realized that it's been over 2 months since I last posted here. Well, an interesting tidbit for you guys: I've started an anonymous blog.:) It's quite the latest in political parody and the discrediting of some fellows on the world scene: MY WAY!!! Unfortunately, I've heard quite a bit about blog-haters turned stalkers, and since the situation in Kenya is a bit too volatile for anything of this level, I've had to keep it under wraps. But I do hope you Stumble Upon it someday, and get to enjoy it! As a matter of fact, I've had a few hundred hits already and its only been up a few days!:) Yay... Maybe now, Google Adsense will finally work for me!:) UPDATE: I've been on a travel rampage. Visited Nairobi for a coupla days (it was Fuckin Cold, then!), and went on to Nakuru, where it was remarkably hot! In Nakuru, spent a day at the Nakuru National Park, and if you're a friend, you've heard about the Rhino story. If you're not.. Too bad....