Wow!!!! I just realized that it's been over 2 months since I last posted here. Well, an interesting tidbit for you guys: I've started an anonymous blog.:) It's quite the latest in political parody and the discrediting of some fellows on the world scene: MY WAY!!! Unfortunately, I've heard quite a bit about blog-haters turned stalkers, and since the situation in Kenya is a bit too volatile for anything of this level, I've had to keep it under wraps. But I do hope you Stumble Upon it someday, and get to enjoy it! As a matter of fact, I've had a few hundred hits already and its only been up a few days!:) Yay... Maybe now, Google Adsense will finally work for me!:)
I've been on a travel rampage. Visited Nairobi for a coupla days (it was Fuckin Cold, then!), and went on to Nakuru, where it was remarkably hot! In Nakuru, spent a day at the Nakuru National Park, and if you're a friend, you've heard about the Rhino story. If you're not.. Too bad. Oh, WTH, I'll tell you anyway! :) Soooo.... I was determined to take a snap with a White Rhino, and if you're any sort of intelligent, you'll be thinking: 'Ye Gads! This gal is CRAAAAZY!!!!' Right.. SO maybe I am. Anyways, I saw three.. One was far off, and the other two (Mother and Child) were in the vicinity. So I get out of the car, and I see them observing me. So I go closer, and tell my mate to take the pic. I pose, she Yells, I Yell and Run For Cover. I jump into the car, and turn around, to see what all the yelling was about. The Rhinos are running in the other direction. Oh Well.. I get the picture. They DON'T want to be in the same frame with me. What can I say. I Offend their sensibilities. Don't believe me? Look at that baleful glare :( Poor Me! Here are a few pic anyways.
All in all, I saw a cheetah, plenty of warthogs, buffaloes, flamingos, baboons, gazelles, zebras and giraffe.
Righy-O! So I spent a few days in Nakuru, and then went back to Mombasa. In August, I made two trips again... One to Nairobi to attend the wedding reception of one of my fav cousins, and the second was to Nakuru (Not To Take a Photo with the White Rhino this time!) And then back to Mombasa. The scenery along the Nairobi-Nakuru road (of the Great Rift Valley) need hardly be mentioned. SPECTACULAR, as you might have guessed! And then my sis bought a sheep-skin rug for my room. I refuse to have it in there. IT STINKS. It doesn't just stink, it STINKS TO HIGH HELL!!!! Oh well, that was a fight I lost as soon as I got myself back to Nairobi.
Yup... That's it! So now, I'm here, doing MBA at the UoN. At least, that's the short of it. I don't even WANT to get started on the long version: The first rejection, the subsequent re=application, the sub-subsequent approval, and the missing of Orientation. More on the status of the hostel later. But wth, It's been interesting, to say the least.
Next Week: Comparison of UoN With VITU. Wish I had a few snaps to go with this one. :) Perhaps I'll make some up. :)
I've been on a travel rampage. Visited Nairobi for a coupla days (it was Fuckin Cold, then!), and went on to Nakuru, where it was remarkably hot! In Nakuru, spent a day at the Nakuru National Park, and if you're a friend, you've heard about the Rhino story. If you're not.. Too bad. Oh, WTH, I'll tell you anyway! :) Soooo.... I was determined to take a snap with a White Rhino, and if you're any sort of intelligent, you'll be thinking: 'Ye Gads! This gal is CRAAAAZY!!!!' Right.. SO maybe I am. Anyways, I saw three.. One was far off, and the other two (Mother and Child) were in the vicinity. So I get out of the car, and I see them observing me. So I go closer, and tell my mate to take the pic. I pose, she Yells, I Yell and Run For Cover. I jump into the car, and turn around, to see what all the yelling was about. The Rhinos are running in the other direction. Oh Well.. I get the picture. They DON'T want to be in the same frame with me. What can I say. I Offend their sensibilities. Don't believe me? Look at that baleful glare :( Poor Me! Here are a few pic anyways.

Yup... That's it! So now, I'm here, doing MBA at the UoN. At least, that's the short of it. I don't even WANT to get started on the long version: The first rejection, the subsequent re=application, the sub-subsequent approval, and the missing of Orientation. More on the status of the hostel later. But wth, It's been interesting, to say the least.
Next Week: Comparison of UoN With VITU. Wish I had a few snaps to go with this one. :) Perhaps I'll make some up. :)