Life is a comedy. One moment in time, I’m on a rainbow, dancing upon the beams of light, absorbing the different hues, and radiating them. The next, I’m in a pit, too deep to climb out, yet too shallow. I can observe the world enjoying, but I can’t enjoy with them. And then comes another moment, where everything is the way I want it to be, but nothing is the way it should be. Who was it who said that day by day, everything is the same, but at the end, everything’s changed? For a long time, I’ve been in a cocoon, protected from the fallacies of the universe, and its people. And when I came out, it was strange and different. Assaulted from all sides by the views and opinions of people I find I can’t tolerate, I try my best to make do. What happened to the ego? What happened to thinking for yourself? They say its all about you now. We’re modern, they say. The world is at your fingertips. Grab out and catch hold of what you want, and never let go. They say. Is it true? Is it right? One wonders. Does the self-important philosophy of life mean that one should sacrifice everything that is good and right for the so-called respectability and honor in society? How does one judge by these elements? On a scale of one to ten? Or is it by the gushing one receives when they walk into a room? The money they make? Is it simply the mockery of trying to be something you’re not? I do not know.