In this land, this land of the living, there are three things worth noting. First. The world is flat. It goes on and on and on. Second. Fire roars, and destroys before you even know it’s touched you. All living beings come into contact with fire at one point or another in their lives. Freaks me out. Three. We love being loved, but we can’t give that love back. It’s like we’re not emotionally capable of doing that. The human mind is weird in that manner. If no-one wants to give love, then no-one can receive it. Weird.
Past, present, future; it all adds up to one thing. Time. We go on and on, and live out our days. But there are days that we relive again and again and again. I’m looking forward to tomorrow with bright eyes, even though I’ve lived it a thousand times. Every time I raise my eyes to see something, I experience that feeling that I’ve seen it before. Not just once. It’s like déjà vu, only a hundred times worse. There are conversations I have that I’ve had five years ago. And five years before that. I look forward to meeting new people, because I’ve met them before. I’ve talked to them, I know the sound of their voice.
When in this land of the living, come to the shore, and touch the water. Scoop it up, and pour it over your face. This water that has seen it all; the wars, the famines, the tears, and the blinking out of the stars that we thought would forever exist. This water that has experienced what I am living through, this water that has washed this face before, but cannot tell me when it last did.
Where is the world that is ours? That is new? That we have not lived in before? Ashes to ashes, dust to dust. Is this dust forever going to roam the earth? Is this why I hear these sounds again, why I see these things again? I don’t believe in the concept of coming back; the concept of rebirth. It falls outside reality. I mention this experience, because you’ve felt it too. You know you have. You’re not crazy. I’m not crazy.